i am SWAG-er !

Reasons why I love Kang Gary:
  • HIS FACE. PERIOD. I mean seriously, he is so— simple-looking and not out of the ordinary. He’s not handsome but he’s not ugly. It’s plain. I know the reason sounds stupid, but it all came frompeaceful Gary. RIP GARY’S SCREEN TIME. D:
  • He doesn’t look like the brightest of the bunch, but I definitely think he is. His witty comments and snide remarks are always the funniest. How does he think of saying funny stuff in such short period amount of time? 
  • Really, like Gwang Soo, he’s a variety newbie. Unlike his co-member from Leessang, Gil, Running Man is actually the first variety show he is a permanent cast of. It took him quite a few episodes (like 2 or 3) to actually feel the atmosphere of variety show but he’s not awkward anymore, you know? 
  • When he speaks small english. I SWEAR IT’S THE FUNNIEST.
  • I think, like in real life, Gary is very innocent and very, very gullible. Proof? SEE EPISODE 60. I mean seriously, HE GETS FLUSTERED WHEN THE CAST WAS LIKE TELLING HIM THIS AND THAT. He can be fooled easily, which is really, really adorable in my opinion. Great personality too as being treated kindly by Yoo Jae Suk on an interview.
  • His catch phrase: “Seum dwa! Stress~!”
  • He’s a great rapper. LEESSANG FTW.
  • AND OF COURSE, the main reason why I really got into Running Man, was MONDAY COUPLE. It’s all because of him really. If he didn’t say the ‘LOVE’ thing on episode 4—sigh. They are perfect for each other guise. 

L.O.V.E. monday couple !